Friday, July 28, 2006

pictures from Canada Day!


ok so i know july1st was ages ago but i didn't bring my camera out! i was relying on friends to send me some pictures from that day since there was some good ones taken. and i must say i was looking rather good that day! I am still waiting for some more pictures from my friend Micah. let's see, that day Angela came up from Toronto to stay with me. We headed to the Earl of Sussex in the market and met up with my soccer peeps to watch the soccer game Brazil vs France. Then we headed over to Chodos's place for a bbq and made it up to Parliment hill to see "the Stars" and the fireworks. Very good! After that, we pushed our way through the crowd to Crys's roof top party. After some torrential rain and bumming a ride under someone's umbrella, we ended up at Chodos's party dancing in his living room until the wee hours. Good times!