Saturday, August 06, 2005

finally some pictures!

this was my camel Kalu during my camel safari.

here i am in front of Gahndis memorial in Delhi. i had asked the guy taking the picture for me to get the flame behind me but it appears he didnt move over enough. oh well its still an alright photo

heres me in agra where i spent the day with a korean girl. we thought itd be fun to take a horse carriage. our driver was hilarious and he let me steer!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

beautiful green hills

ahh made it to Switzerland finally.
In Delhi, Emirate airlines couldnt change my flight for me and assurred me that my flight from Mumbai would be leaving as scheduled. i spent the next couple of days in my hotel room as my ailments started to get worse. i finally made it out on the Saturday to the train station to book my train to Mumbai. on my way back, feeling like perhaps i was finally getting better since id managed to get out of my room, i ended up puking in the street, not once, but three times before making it to my hotel room.
Saturday afternoon, with very little energy, i took a rickshaw to the train station, despite it being only a 5 to 10 minute walk, caught my train and managed to get a seat across from an American girl, Helen, that was heading to Mumbai to catch a flight the next evening. we ended up sharing a hotel room together in Mumbai despite her leaving that evening around 9pm. we watched HBO movies, she did some errands, i stayed mostly in bed, she convinced me that i should see a doctor, id been scared of Indian doctors and had had no energy to go looking for one. i hoped in a taxi and went to the hospital. at the hospital i got a list of specialists and their room numbers and was told to go find one that was in. i found the first one on my list, he assessed me, gave me a prescription for some hardcore combo drug since there was no time for samples to confirm which form of bug was affecting me and sent me out the door. i walked across the street to a pharmacy, and had my prescription and was back at my hotel in 20 minutes tops. it was crazy. it was so easy.
i spent the last day in Mumbai shopping til i dropped and getting a haircut and leg wax. it was fun. it also rained very little making me confident my plane would leave as scheduled. that night i got a taxi to the airport, it took 2 hrs instead of 1 to get there but i made it and my flight left on time. in Dubai, the flight was about an hour late to leave, we were missing several passengers and luggage for whatever reason and had to wait. i got stuck sitting next to a little kid about 3 years old that was always poking me but i managed to get some sleep. i chatted with the Emirate airline hostess before getting off the flight and it turns out that she also went to Uvic and her mother was also Swiss and she was going to be looking for a job there. that was a wierd coincidence. in the Zurich airport getting to the train station was simple. i just had to walk across to another building. all of 2 minutes. my train to St Gallen was leaving in 20 minutes. it was all so easy. i made it to St. Gallen around 5pm and had to wait until 9pm for someone to get home and answer the phone. i didnt have my aunt or uncles cell phone. i spent 4 hours reading my book in Starbucks and had a small frappacino that set me back 6.5o swiss francs! outrageous. now im here, my clothes have been washed and my only plans today are going grocery shopping with my uncle since he has the next 3 days off.