Sunday, July 10, 2005

Udaipur is lovely!

hello! ive made it to a nice city (finally!). unfortunately ive been in bed or the washroom most of the time that ive been here. seem to have got some food poisoning or something in Vadodara before i left. it has not been fun i tell you. my first day here i ventured out for a total of 2 hours. the place i'm staying at is a guest house and the whole extended family lives there too. the wife and the 2 daugthers took me to see a parade. it was pretty cool but so crowded. I saw an elephant!
the next day i ventured out for a max of 3.5 hours. i went to see a traditional indian dance performance in the evening. very cool. in one dance, this woman balanced 9 jugs that are used for carrying water on her head! in morning i had found a german bakery or so it said. it was run by Indians and my apple crumble (that i barfed up later) was soggy from the humidity. i also saw a marriage proposal. a guy dressed up, on a horse going through the town with music and a parade. how embarrasing!
oh yeah! Udaipur has been in a drought for the last 4 years. no monsoon here! which is good for me, bad for them.
today i went to the city palace (the palace on the lake) but there is no lake right now. it was very cool. it took forever to go through the entire thing. the whole time i was worried about where the washrooms might be located. it took away from the experience a bit. i met an american and a irish guy in the cafe this morning while forcing down breakfast. i chatted with them for a bit. its nice having conversations with people that arent trying to sell you somehting.
ok next message from me should be filled with more excitement as my appetite is returning and I have plans to go visit more palaces and do a horse trek in the countryside.


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