Thursday, July 07, 2005

Namaste Vadodara

wow. i dont think im going to bother stopping at small towns on the way to my destination. it just ends up being the hugest hassle. i took a 1st class sleeper train ride to Vadodara from Mumbai. I arrived at 6:30am and it took 30 minutes to get to a hotel. that's because the autorickshaw driver thought it would be good to take me to a hotel that was paying him a commission and not the one i'd asked for. supposedly mine had no water. i was so irritated from my lack of decent sleep that i grabbed my stuff and attempted to hail another driver without paying him. this really pissed him off. so we argued for about 10 minutes on the side of a busy road with cars, rickshaws, bicycles, mopeds, and random cows going by. he finally agreed to take me somewhere that was in my bible aka my Lonely planet India guide book which i treat like a bible. turns out i was within walking distance of my hotel! not 3 km as he had said. so i paid him way more then he deserved but was thankful that i had found a decent place.
i know i said before that the monsoon rains are no big deal. this part is still true...its the massive puddles and mini lakes that are a big deal. ive been walking through some of the grossest water imaginable. brown water with garbage floating in it. so recap, the rain isnt so bad, its the puddles when there isnt proper drainage. hopefully Udaipur, where i'm headed tonight is better. According to the map, Udaipur is only 300 km north of here but its going to take about 8+ hours to get there. this is because i have to take a bus. not that the train is all that much faster. currently, trains to the North are on hold because of the water. i had a hard time finding a decent bus. i resorted to asking some people that looked about my age if they could help me. they were all medical students from Mangalore and one was kind enough to find me a travel agent that could book a coach bus for me.
none of the tourist attractions are open in this city..because of the floods. ive spent a lot of time in my hotel room. internet has been down until now. ive walked by this place so many times to inquire.
i also had a really hard time finding an ATM that would accept my TD bank card. i tried about 6 ATM and was starting to get a little panicked. its not the end of the world. I could always get mommy or daddy to wire me some money...just kidding! i can use my visa at thomas cook for a commission.
so after i got some money. i decided to treat myself. at 8pm tonight i will be the proud owner of a sari! he he. i cant wait to see how it fits. of course i got ripped off but its still half the price of what it would have been if id bought it in Mumbai. guess how much 2 samosas costs here? like 10 cents!
i cant wait to get to Udaipur. it sounds really nice. the old town is surrounded by an old fort wall. i'll also be looking into taking Hindi lessons. i'm sick of not knowing what's going on and not being able to communicate. people also look insulted when i say i don't know hindi. the best i can do is "Namaste" which means hello or goodbye and i learned that in yoga class.
speaking of which, i'll be looking into yoga classes in Udaipur. can't wait.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, they’ll try to rip you off in India. In India white person=$$$ ;) What can I say, it's the Indian experience. They rip me off when I’m there, and I’m from India. If you’re in a market setting, try to haggle the price down as much as you can and if you can't get it at the price you want, just leave and then they'll try to match your price. Taxi drivers will try to take you to other places then the places you want to go. You just have to be firm with them from the beginning. Everybody will try to help you with directions on the way, but everybody will give you different directions. Try to find more medical students for help and the hotel staff. Check out the state of Kerala for some good beaches (Kovalam) and tropical atmosphere. Goa is also really good too! Trichur (in Kerala) has an elephant sanctuary and a huge Hindu temple. Bangalore, in the state of Karnataka, is a fun city to visit as well. Say hello to my peeps!

Diana “Shades” neighbor

Friday, 08 July, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Namaste="I honour the beauty in you/me/this/us"

Sunday, 30 October, 2005  

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