Monday, September 04, 2006

Osheaga Festival

The Magic Numbers laurent and heather

the main stage, you can see downtown MTL in the background.

me, chrissy and heather

WOW! Two days of awsome music! This was the best intro to Montreal I could ever have. Osheaga is the woodstock of Indie Rock. It was fantastic. Saturday morning Laurent met Heather and I for breakfast and we took the metro to the Jean-drapeau park and we arrived in time to see The Magic Numbers. They were so good. (we talked to them later in the day!) I didn't know any of their music but loved it nonetheless. Then we went to another stage and saw a band from France called the Hushpuppies. Loved it! Those boys are so hot and talented! ;) a listen!
We went back to the mainstage to see some of Dinosaur Jr. Not bad. Duchess Says was hysterical. The lead singer is this cute little girl and then she screamed and made random noises. it was so shocking. We then chilled on a hill for a while and listened to Malajube. A band named after a frog disease. Then saw some of Metric (2nd time I've seen them this summer) which overlapped with We are wolves so we went to that after 15 minutes of metric. Saw Winersleep, Clap your hands say yeah, Amon Tobin and Sonic Youth (Heather's favorite band). Highlights of the day (other than music) were: Laurent winning a t-shirt from Groggy clothing, having one of the best group photos taken by a radio station promotion booth(sorry no scanner or I'd post it), running and laughing like lunatics after the security guards to see someone get taken down and lots more..low lights of the back and feet aching and feeling like I'd smoked a pack of cigarettes! After spending the whole day in the sun, walking back and forth between stages, Heather and I crashed hard that night. My roommate had 5 friends from New Brunswick staying at our house. It was pretty terrible. The place was such a sty. Sunday morning Heather and I waited for our friend Chrissy. We missed Stairsailor. I was sad but the day was just as awsome as the day before so no worries. We caught the last 15 minutes of the Islands. Then saw the Tokyo Police Club. Then we saw Wolf Parade which I had missed in Ottawa and was happy I was finally getting to see. Final Fantasy was so wonderful. It is one guy who plays the violin. He records himself and loops back segments so it sounds like he has a full band. He also sings. He played a cover of Mariah Carey. Sweet Fanatasy. It was so impressive! I knew all the words. How embarrasing. Then we saw the Bell Orchestre, Kid Koala who is such a good dj then The Flamming lips who put on such a theatrical show complete with gigantic balloons, shooting confetti, people in costumes dancing, a giant tv screen it was great. The closing act was Ben Harper and we sat on the hill on our garbage bag (it was raining on Sunday) and listened. All in all the best music festival of my life to date! :)


Blogger CC :D said...

i miss you and music festivals.

Tuesday, 05 September, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Nic for recording an amazing event of our summer. The pics are awesome (we are so cute!) and I appreciate your play by play description of each of the bands. Just for the record (since I don't have a blog myself), my favorites were: Sonic Youth!!! (big surprise there), Magic Numbers, the Hush Puppies (love their snotty attitude), Duchess Says and Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy totally deserved his recent Polaris win - he is a very original musician and is a capivating and charismatic performer. We had a fabulous two days of music and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Thanks for putting up with me all weekend too. :) Loves ya lots babe! Cheers, Heather

Saturday, 07 October, 2006  

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