Sunday, January 01, 2006

school starts!

crap! there was just an annoucement that breakfast isn't being served in the girls dorms. Now it's in the classroom building cafeteria. I thought I could spend some time on the internet before going. I need to get some fun ESL games to do with the kids. I am literally spending all day with them today! AWWW! I'm still tired from yesterday. I have two classes (26 kids in total) until the other teacher arrives , if she is arriving I will be so greatful. There are 6 girls and the rest are boys. All 13 years old. Ok. I better go. I'll write more later when I have time. If I ever get any free time. I crashed at 11pm last night and woke up at 7am to the sound of music on the intercom.


Blogger CC :D said...

anyoung haseo!

Hope you're having a great time! HAPPY NEW YEAR! eat lots of toasted processed fish jerkey and red bean ice creams for me!!!

miss you and am terribly jealous :D

Sunday, 01 January, 2006  

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